

File history uploaded by jerry 2 years, 8 months ago

Personal && Confidential
(see fine Print belowπŸ΄β€β˜ οΈπŸ‘½πŸŽ£πŸŽπŸ’ΈπŸ§žβ€β™€οΈπŸ€”)

Jerry DwC


as of 0826a

give a Lightning talk?
10nn a ToDay
or Manayana TuesDay 

storing up
 No Chat restrictions
 like a dam
 and giving Back
 one of the few if only places I can

 only one iirc wearing NoCamera Badge
 but use cameras, recording as accessibility
 don't mind taking photos,
 some video but don't want to be on them
  pun intended? so? dysLexic
  DysGraphic some of my first diagnoses that I recall
 had a typeWriter in elementary/Middle school
 Autism not mentioned 
 but Kanner Labelling may have Hurt
  more widely known
  after 1970s
 and 'Geeks DisEase' even later

Some BlockAges
Dumping DisCord
 a waste of energy
 to have it wiped in a few days
 so why put into it?
 too much text
 keeping up with ephemeral stuff
 graphically coding words to Emojis
  (like above Geek|StuffedCode)
  proved i had at least looked at it
  easier searching
  less tokenizing
  preparsing it
  types of vocabulary used

Exported Last Years Contributions
 even show after server removed
  Not Processed
  Just ArcHived

Home aka Small Groups
 heard can go to other HGs
  presumably to Try
 so going to a lot
 as the individual sort of way
  Sampled Most
  even some Leader/Chairs 
  I've argued With on eMail

0300A Aussie Time HG
 only 3 of us
 only made 1 of them, so far
 missed first
 made second
 missed third
 2 more possible, less by the time of Lightning Talk
   DL & Show?

How HGs go
only one Leader/chair
 2020 suggested CoLeading
  builds up skills for next years HG Leaders/Chairs
 built in training/ succession
 a witness
  different perspectives
  say male/ female pairs
 HGs ProVide some personal connection
 instead of lost in the shuffle
 but many are not verbal
 Nof active in there
 and We generally don't force people
  to talk
  answer questions,
  More sharing the air
  taking all the time/
   filling limited time
  Others have a meditative pace,
   a little like Slow Mode DysCord
  Some I/R Informational/ Referral
   like with All New People

time slots
  +Sampling for
  video/ conferencing problems
   net connection better some times than others
   even 0300A still had connection problems,
    maybe not the net/ my side?
    attack in response to typing/sharing/ asking/ talking
    a pattern developed
    harassed/ annoyed script, like script kiddies?
    someone(s) doing a Denial Of Service (DoS) attack on people here
    local kids?
     hate based
    hosting Zoom
    law enforcement / security
    InterNational issues
    Protective Service(s)

Lack of backChannels Felt (yeah, fWord)
  Gagged / a Gag Order Graphic _here_
   or NDA NonDisclosure AgreeAment

Rationale Given was
 So show how to put the Chat Window behind SomeThing
 YouTube Live?
 one to many Video out to Masses
   say a concert Live/ RePlayed
   only a few text chat back
 but handles large numbers

VeryLarge Presentations
 massive one /few to many
 make the FireHose Stop please
 especially with controversial/ difficult topics
 Saying No to the $peaks or similar curebee attitudes

 not everyone is
  nor wants to be a researcher
  $20 words as said in Clinical Psych Classes
 may help some fill in gaps not learned/
  from having Autism/ other DysAbilities
  like summer school for preCollege prep
Others: Cousins (AuTreat,
   reminds me of ShakesPeare CouSiners)
  aka? Allys
 We are not Zoo Animals/ Guinea Pigs/
 Music Example:
  Pink Floyd's The Wall
   Leave Those Kids Alone

Chat talk back
 to the TV
 one way flood of info

 Here 2021 Some only to Mods/(Co)Hosts
 Ok can then just send (something)
   to the Presenter
 hopefully they can multitask
 most presenters are rather seasoned

Example: Orientation
 Hadn't been to a HG
  so much do this, do that, applied to advice giver/HomeoPathic
  so gave a HomeWork Assignment to go to/try one...
 "Chat Sniper"
  I'll own that Label

Orientation repeat
 Suggest make a video of it,
  and then play and update/ rebroadcast,
  put up Same Hour?
  and can view when want,
  say network, or overnight
  reduces anxiety of how the event is going to happen, unfold?

  + Live one on one training/ show
  but screen resolution
   can't see the mouse
   from 10k feet up OverView
    where conversations occur
     can be text,
     slow text (only enter a message every N seconds/minutes as setup)

Went to many voice/ video,
  someone in the channel
  but never responded back
 so i left
 a Pattern here

Condensing what I have been hearing/ 
 subjected to
Giving a Talk
 Most are Funny, 
 This is not,
  Really, Not

Only 5 Minutes
 use a timer
  Over 5 Days 
  Other Blogging generally takes as long as the event to
 ReEnter NT Society
 Immersive ExPeeriences
  like Language
  MayBe Even Boot camp
  FratErnity/ Sorority
  Secret Society (Skull&XBone Yale?)

Going ForWard

Planning Blended/ HyBrid
some FeedBack and
  HowTo along with the program this year
 In Parallel
 how users/ participants would want it
 some are saying need a duplicate/ shadow like Org
  2x the Volunteer staffing to do both?
Will We be in the Bleachers/ Cheap Seats?
 SomeHow Not the Kewl kids because only OnLine
 Missing what?
 like without DisCord?

If Don't Like Zoom?
 i.e. Drink The KoolAid
Connectivity Problems?
 or HacTivism?
  Denial of Service?
  RePrisals for Speaking Out?
  several techniques for Causing 
   what has been happening
  and noticed happens a lot
   After i share something
   send a chat text
   then connection goes
   before hearing a response
   like asking
    how many in person people were there 2 years ago?
   later heard from another HG ~100 in person
   and jumped up to OnLine 200-300+
   but the Organizing Committee(s)
   didn't double in size
   like a Student/ Staff School ratio
   how to scale up?
   and when goes to part InPerson/ part OnLine?
   studio audience?

how to not be on camera/ privacy of the mixed environment?
separate seating where cameras don't point
as a geek generally would be behind the camera

AuTreat had a required work shifts?
volunteers make the event happen

child care too

Media people at the Hosting Organization
partnering with a media department

Video Conferencing
BroadCast Studio?

Big Pipes/ BandWidth at the Host Facility
big enough participants can also be online there?
watching from Zoom/ whatever while in the back row on site?

for those that want to talk to the OnLine people?
Antiques RoadShow like booth to record something
enter in a video
 upload and submit

Try JitSi
free/ donation based
may max out around 30? people?
 or getting better?
 smaller group
 try now
 create a Room
 differences from what you are used to?

Jump into a room
screen share here?
live example/ training
not that different

and the price is right
Download the app
a backup plan

development options
for geeks
 modify and make apps using the conferencing
done by next year?


 geeky build servers
   containers/ packaging
   say with MiniScapes
   fall back plans
Progress along the way

How the Animal Talking is Going?
Can Puppy talk by next year?
open hardware buttons / recorders

(cue Big Movie Piano video clip?)

Pull a Greta ThornBerg?
 (a thorn in tRumps side)
sail over to next years?
not likely but bucket list

send this file out
put up on below
shared freely
Creative Commons Share and Share ALike Non Commercial
Non Derivative

The Gory DeTails

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