

File history uploaded by jerry 2 years, 3 months ago

Some other ways to look at it

SomeOne(s) have to die/get hurt before any change is made

Typical Process


This counters Vision Zero

And any political doubleSpeak about said topic(s)

So preemptively put up a


For those future problems PoliDicks

And GuberMent PolicyWonks

Can't figure out 

AHead of time


It's North Arlington so 

(Other)Lives Matter More

there more than say South

And West Arlington

So comPare and Contrast DoubleSpeak on said & written policies on Equity

As Well

Assign Students to look into the Matter

Active Transit

And young people inherit our InfraStructure misTakes

So a local school(s)

May be affected to and from

Much less instead of HomeSchooled, Virtual

And College + Visiting

Law school too

If SomeOne(s) sued the County

Naming said people in these public discourse email(s)

Who might they find at fault?

And those that don't speak up about it?

When they come for you(s|ze)?

(TransLated to Construction 🏗️🚧 Speak)

Full disclosure

I may have been in an Allen Alexandria LAB Cycling class

But didn't graduate as didn't allow photos of myself

Privacy, eh?

Nothing personal there, iirc

LAB is lobbying too

Competing interests

And LegisLative Agenda

New InComing Governor

Lt. AGov, Blue v. Red 

(v. green state)

 trauma/drama etc 

heading our way shortly 


And if you can't parse this

 ask a kid

As may be part of an assignment heading their way(s)


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