

File history uploaded by jerry 2 years, 3 months ago

Drinkers, smokers and other addictions,
COFFEE is one, that the social situation
is unpredictable to moi...
And i don't support smoking,
don't want to be around it,
can't breathe, don't think it's healthy,
and just plain annoying to be around,
as most congregate too close to doors, exits,
loiter, stalk, harrass, and privacy issues, etc...

Want to Go for Coffee?
seems more than literal?
could be want to talk...

Oddly the emails typcially starting
from here:
would you support me?
I have a problem,
are done without testing the waters,
so to speak, is this list for that?
idk, not a list Mod, but noticed a lot
of things like this, and maybe DysCord
has even more, i'd dropped that,
a while back...

With Valentine's Day coming up and that
dreadful social thing of Dating,
DATE could and would be a 4Letter Word,
but i digress...

So SmallTalk, asking how people are,
though with this crowd (and any support group/
therapy, etc) it gets complicated,
some/most may say actually how they are,
ad nausium (sp?) and in graphic detail,
some i find analogous to hemmeroids (sp?),
i don't really want to hear it,

I'm usually baffled,
when asked,
("I don't have bandwidth(/spoons?)
to do a [full] diagnostic right now,
and they don't seem to care,
and just a politeness thing,
or if having problems
seems more sadistic to enjoy me having problems,
one staffer i'd stopped answering,
and she pushed further,
clearly a sadistic streak,
enjoying my problems and pain,
(does theoritical/ fictional
Spock/Data [like auties] even feel pain?)
many she may be causing/
contributing to...

Anyways, thought i'd weigh in,
but don't have much connectivity,
a couple of snow storms back
i lost internet, and not returned,
a free "service",
(i may have suggested)
but getting a little
like smoking going out in the cold
and dark to get a fix of iNet...

There may be some security in not being
the only one out, and knowing if the person(s)
are trustworthy, or not, safe to be out here
at night / early morning, etc
around you(ze?) and not get mugged/
jumped/ etc...

and wrote something similar/
analogous earlier today
to be posted on this trip...

Buddy(|ies), can you spare a Gig Data Plan?
I've got some Personal videos to watch,
in Private...

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