

File history uploaded by jerry 2 years, 3 months ago

A slogan in some 12Step programs

So an arduous task like ReCertification
financial, for me takes 5 organizations
2 SNiT/SNoTs,
emailed them Friday
and neither got back on Friday
one sat on
utnil monday then an Emergency overnight
We'll' have to charge you
when their own fees are hundred+ per month,
and i don't even get that much out,
losses in the market of "investments"
what we are not qualified to adminsiter ourselves,
can't even have a DisAbility, or similar
Green friendly stocks options,
as Profit is king, We are NoThing
sweeping and back into

compare and contrast an annuity
and other forms of Savings, when we are to have
Nothing, can't have anyhhing, assets, or counted against,
while the people living off the fees don't even understand
mailing things, FedEx doesn't send to POBoxes,
so oops, too late give me a real address for real people,
as we aer supposedly not real, as live in the Projects,
and not safe to get packages there,
they don't arrive, like red lining and other
services that don't exist in poor areas...

So how does that Rant relate to Progress Not Perfection?
a perfectionist might be stalled instead of making progress?
and what causes the perfectionism?
alcohol in the family?
have to get things right or the alcoholic takes a chunk
out of you emotinoally, see there's no problem in this family,
the first child, typically the hero, has to perfect
covering up the problems underneath, so honoro student,
high achiever, but looks for love that can't be found,
as the relationship is with the bottle, or drugs,
or workaholism, or other things, addictions usually,
but behaviours, can be addictions as well...

And how does this relate to me?
Can'treally say, wouldn't be safe,
as this isn't a meeting, nor a safe place,
the internet is full of trolls,
who take personal infromation for granted
and take advantage of,
wonder how many credit card applications
were filled out with the information provided recently?

How many overheard my personal information
when had to call back so many times
to try to get a benefits letter,
and we can't hear you,
so have to yell,
don't knkow what it sounds like on a likely
so few bar signal, as landline pulled,
expensive and only harassed on it anyways,
and the other tricks,
something happened to my connection,
when asked the second's name,
in case didn't get it delivered
as said sent out that night,
but address incomplete,
when called back,
no box number included,
so how would it get there?
seach all the boxes at the Post Office?
then sits in undeliverable mail,
improperly addressed, basically mail purgatory,
when likely having problems delivering in the first place?

So one guberment bouncing off another,
and which takes care of the customers?
Social Security?
or Postal?
Postal Union or Government Union?
and those two are tied togehter by the
Federal Government, which is someohw
accountable to the People in Elections,
but If the Votes Don't count,
like mine didn't this year,
likely again...

Another Rant, go figure

I Had A Dream speech, coming up,
NightMare likely this time...
since attacks were on InSurrection Day,
then likely more on MLKJrBirthDay
and President's Day?
some holidays coming up besides
and then Valentine'sDay or VDDay
as i call it, looking past problems,
will i still be housed?
will anyone care?

Do i anymore or is this all a shakedown/
beat down intended to eliminate
certain types of people be it
white, old, disAbled, outspoken advocates,

And those are long term things,
Idealistic, some might say,
but those need progress,
and perfection, and utiopia probably
don't exist, looking for them at
Intentional Communities, weren't found,
Ableism was found, have to be able to work,
had to be willing to give over all assets
to the Community, or invest heavily,
either/ or / both really time,
and money, like a retirement community,
50% of assets are kept by the community
the rest the kids can inherit,
all for an elevator?
and carers, which likely don't care
and exploit, and only live iwth other
Old people, or sick people,
or rich people, working people,
not that different than the projects
one can't get out of,
as no assets, can't have,
and can't get or violates other rules/ laws
DisAbility is like a vow of poverty,
given was going to die,
seems an easy choice,
but longer term,
was it really?

Therefore, a predatory environment would
assume/ and infer, he must be ready to work
we've forced him out of DisAbility,
He's Cured! We're Geniouses,
Nope, abusive, exploitive narcissists,
and hiring yet another Cracker
to whip thos residents into shape,
is the Cracker mentality,
even if done with Black people,
and/or Latinos, "professionals"
and others etc
We have overpriviledged students
who need subjects to interact with
to sthart their stellar careers
exploiting others, here is your first,
make them wait, and other tactics
typical of slave master relatinoships,
while pretending to be caring and fair,
see, have to teach learned helplessness,
and thier inadequacies are glaring,
as the Ableism, Elitism, Racism,
likely and Classism, etc...

All grist for the Mill,
during MLKJr times...

I pay, we pay, we're in charge here,
ReVolution, here we come,
No progress in the last what years?
2? 5? 10?
Easy to point to Obama as president,
as progress, but falling back with tRump?
CanCel, ReTroGrade, other culture(s)?

What progress have you made?
And what have you done for us lately?

Remember non violent, non exploitive,
etc, not easy, and not how it ended,
was it?
AssAssiNation, one may have been playing
by moral rules, others not,
not a level playing field, to say the least...

And since it's the 13th,
typically a Gang Day?
what of that too?

Expect attacks like 9/11 anniversary,
only smaller scale?

Like a lobby of Latinos
parents of the kids hauled to jail for
ridiculing and exploiting a poor old guy on a bench
using WiFi the other Day?
We want our kids freed,
What do we tell our Wives?
We're not Putos...
So been an absentee father
and your kid falls into a bad crowd?
They were just having fun,
they are little Angels...
Hells Angels?
They can do no wrong,
we're morally superior,

See we will go to the victim
and harass further,
that's how gangs roll,
intimidation, harssment,
threats, violence,
a way of life, see?

So jail/ prison,
lots of antiGang Training there, no?

So have a solution?
besides killing poor old white disabled people?

Let's hear it...

No means No, right.

a Boundary
not that different than the Wall,
Yeah, wasn't worth the bullet,
WithDrawn your honor,
Can't unhear That, Counselor.
Can't unRing the Bell,
nor the constant harassment,
waking and loud noises that have happened

Sleep deprivation is one torture technique
i though we were beyond torture,


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