

File history uploaded by jerry 2 years, 2 months ago

a ReCreation of a Share on Trust

So i dont' recall much of the lead that brought
this on, and may be a bastardization of the original
share, but not having a record of another person's
information, i'll have to punt to what others
interpreted it as waying and my own stuff,
which i am free to share, if i wish...

So financially, a Special Needs Trust,
a tool, or container for inheritance,
is frankly described in
TheMindFuckThatIsArcOfNoVA 2012? or so
and several other pages likely
with personalities being a problem,
administration also,
and recently just getting reports
for annual ReCert
 on the face of it, sounds good,
 a way to protecdt benefits,
 in reality not a lot of protection,
they are allowed by federal law
but getting a lawyer and any professional
service, difficult to get an estimate
for things and ties one to a lower standard
of living than what people administering it likely have,
perhaps, so for the catch line/ marketing
A Life Like Yours, and Arlington being
average Million Dollar Homes?
apartment dwellers, in SardineLand
next to no privacy, even making phone calls,
say enabling EBT card PIN
calling Social Security,
finding a new place,
anything personal, eagle ears
try to listen in and in the Hood
information is money, one way or another,
telling others secrets, personal information,
the rats, as it were in Italian culture
and a criminal outfit/ enterprise,
basically mob mentality and street justice
for some values of Justice...

But it's also predictability,
well covered  by soemone else,
but don't remember that either, so here goes
so a drinker, and somehow they are the problem,
when really keep the focus on ourselves,
the behaviors are disturbing
and people adjust to it different ways,
perhaps basedon who is drinking
growing up with alcohol (etoh) in the family,
or my assessment of the situation after the fact,
a popular phrase is what is normal?
as a lot o situations aren't in an alcoholic home,
which is also an oxymoron, as home
and alcoholic don't always go together well,
and around Valentine'sDay, SuperBowlSunDay, etc
and anytime, weekends, winter time,
early mornings, professional drinkers,
the habitual ones, as a stereotype
and in actuality, many times,
are predictable, they drink, one way or another,
so Binge drinkers, do it occasionally,
but may well devleop into
constant and Maintenance drinkers,
following the patterns:
lost of trust/ commitemnts
jobs, careers, relationships
black outs (chemically not remembering
as opposed to amnesia, and short term memory loss,
this tied likely to other things)
and all the way up to Korsikoffs (sp?)
and Werneke's syndrome or what some
might call wet brain,
not being an expert on drinking
despite CSAC (Certified Substance Abuse Counselor) classes,
and almost getting a certificate, if had more
supervision and tolerance for even being
around most drinkers, druggies, and other addicts,

there are patterns,
and where it falls apart, many times,
waxing philosphically, is the types of problems,
drunk driving, accidents, falls,
lost work, lost income, school,
anger management issues, fights,
brawls, and creative ways
the drug seeking behaviors happen,
so let's say someone tries getting etoh,
underage, how they get that?
likely grew up in an etoh home
(it's hereditory (sp?)
and there's a nature and nurture
component too it as well)
what we try to avoid, we become
some might say,

but the why is not important
as the how, and how to stop,
and 12Step is likely one of the most effective
means of doing so, a daily reprieve
both for the drinker, druggie, etc,
and for those around them,
taking the same 12Steps
(see Step2 recent posting
and other AlaNot
or similar etc
WebPageYYYY format likely
YYYY=20nn nn = years

So going to meetings,
doing step work, and
there may be a better way,
helping others,
one to one, and perhaps writing
some may not have heard of this
as a WalledGarden
(WebPageName i.e. so last year?)
and some can't want footBall,
soccer, anything a movie without
popcorn, beer, nuts, etc
as dependency is a test,
and a drug, etoh, behaviors,
an immaturity? some think people
stagnate at the level when they started
drinking, so say early teen years,
drinking and drugging, and that's the maturity
level of the person stuck in /
pickled at that age,
immature and not responding to adult
and other needs/ demands, responsiblities,
earning money perhaps, but spending it all
on drink and drugs, so keeping a record
of what one does, a daily journal,
and activity log, and other tools
help keep track of that,
on my end for memory issues,
likely related to depression, meds,
and whatever else, seems to help to write
things down, and typing being the able to
read it later option, though rarely do,
dump and run....

Predictable, is that i interrupt,
i can't hear/ fill/ remember/ process
things without some reminders,
not full Momento movie stuff,
writing on self, as wake up have
to read about last day,
but some d etails, and might help some
others, i can put things down
and maybe get some rest,
if i write it down,
i may plan better if i create a schedule
a plan for activites, routes, and times,
etc, other details, not that different
than others, perhaps the level of detail,
varies, but i digress...
Predictaiblity, routine, some might call it,
for autism, and other things,
the same thing over and over again
and expecting different results,
a slogan, / reminder of things,
it's insanity the definition there of,
doing the addiction gives about the same
result, a depressant like alchohol
and goes down, temporarily up,
but over time, a downer, and
down the drain for many people's lives,
as cumulative, additive (sp? i-> a?),
and synergistic as well...

Professionals have to predict things
for insurance and professional standards
reasons... if someone's not going to meetings,
likely not getting better...
Some may be able to stop without them,
and for the rest of their lives,
so they say the addiction does pushups
while they are inactive and comes back
at the same level or more when start again,
one binge, started by football/soccer/
basketBall, (some trigger, though i don't
care for that term as a depressive)
watching/ situations and off to the bottle

One Day at a Time, a slogan,
many can't think too far ahead,
or end up drunk again...
Hour, minute, second, stopping
in the time they need to take it,
smaller intervals, getting throught...

Most of which i didn't mention
and tired, had had greek/ low sugar? yogurt,
and some yogurt like drink
which probably had more sugar,
so got spacy, was tired, up the night
again, not as much lack of sleep as end of
my day, many hours of up, and down during
TV and other watching/ dark times,
up and out in the light, starting before,
SunRise and watching SunSet,
(ironically SunDowners to Drinking Sailors)
wake to another day, see some light,
good for seasonal antiDepressant(s)
as is exercise, thinking things out on
paper, computer, and writing a history
of things, keeping track,
the continued to take personal inventory,
in trainings/ practicums, a relapse prevention
sort of thing, and if do lapse,
many likely will today and tomorrow
(VDDay, even chocolates for (bad) foodies)
and other behaviors)
getting back on the wagon/ horse,
sort of not beating self up about it,
and back on track, etc...

So will see, some creative license
in there, but basically a make up day,
and write in/ phone in the answer(s)
to my self, and not to be used as a crib
sheet for others

Jerry W.
aka Local PiTA

License: all up here,
unless otherwise noted
with Attribution

Just saying Ditto to some things,
seems a cop out,
and had many other things

like where someone starts with the
behaivor(s), growing up, or not so much
growing/ surviving in an alcoholic home
the what is normal, or variation/ spread
in some terms, is way wider, of what
normal/ regular behaviors are,
and making excuses for it,
enabling, codependence, so thinking
it normal for someone to behave like that,
nastiness, when not getting their substance(s)
doing their behaviors,
protecting their stash,
drug seeking, etc behaviors seem normal,
for me to spot an etohlic (made up term)
is difficult but also a magnet/ lure/
seems like they find me, and try using me,
as their crutch/ enabler, etc,
breaking that bond/ odd sick link/ pattern
takes some awareness, time,
some support(s), etc...
typical of hearing other(s) stories,
experience, strength, hope
(ESH in 12Step Lit/ Jargon)

anyways overtime, things to do,
even if rest and other self care...

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