

File history uploaded by jerry 2 years, 2 months ago

playing Jane Austen
(sounds like Austin, no?)
during marathon pledge/
support public broadcasting time,
so a few of her writings,
starting watching maybe with
SandiTon, her unfinished novel,
and some other one(s),
something at the rocky beach,
the themes perhaps typical of
romance writers, feminist,
and timely for Valentine's Day weekend,
i guess FootBall, which would be
Soccer for the continental EU/UK
and much else of the world,
America is different, i guess,
in certain ways...

I had to ask who was even playing,
and other(s) about the weather,
watching broadcast rather annoying
and old school just to find out the weather,
and old 1960's lyrics about weather,
maybe just look outside,
(doesn't Work UnderGround...)
but seeing the sky and guessing,
no WiFi at home, and paying somehow
erks (sp? urks?) me
when still in the Pilot time
of DigitalDivide,
so like a sick horror movie
we've had our tendon's cut,
and can't get away from the torture
and likely planned killing(s)/
genocide/ profiteering of SlumLords,
PoliDicks, and others, in a system
that likely doesn't even care,
doing it on purpose, and
for profit while claiming Non...

Perhaps like what was on
after 2000p on BroadCast,
someone killing women,
so the RomCom turns more like
old soap opera(s): As The World Turns,
and maybe General (KFC's?) Hospital,
Victorian England, and little Dorrit,
or Little Women, some royalty shows up
and SandiTon wants to greet her,
but she's going to BrighTon
if she wants the beach,
while a Regatta, rowing along the river,
and getting some sort of honor,
young girl fantasies, perhaps,
makes for good sales,
and keeping them entertained,
the mechanics of dating...

While some early morning, a FriDay,
IIRC, someone i don't recognize,
a girl (age?) with a little hat,
her BirthDay,
and she's pretending i know her,
while also claiming to be kidnapped,
and a gang like boy/guy,
she wants what i have,
to overuse a phrase,
the cute little white eBike, perhaps,
the guy what? old badly dressed guy?
(oddly ASSUMing competition?)
supposed to get it for her,
what steal it (his only real option?)
but still have to go to school,
she wants something to step over
when pregnant, and really,
not what one would want in a young lady,
not that she's bad,
she must be "a Good Girl"
to play so many games,
right, pushing the limits
typical of teenagers, and lying,
too perhaps, her dad not present,
or in the background SomeWhere($)
while pretenting somehow related to me?
or claiming to be, surprised by a guy,
on departure, and/or taking him to where i live,
the lobby, i'd gotten a late start,
and a school day,
start of the Valentine's Day weekend,
and what girls/ young women do,
perhaps, misleading a guy,
instead of the other way around,
only to find later my tires low,
and (Resident Evil) kids who like the girl,
trying to steal the bike, he's thug like,
in a Latino sort of way, perhaps,
what i'm supposed to buy a $500 bike for you?
her father would help,
she wants stuff from (a) guy(s),
and grew up perhaps trying to survive,
playing the (Green)Penguin,
or similar WebPage writing name
migrating women,
have to move out of one estate/mansion to another,
perhaps, finding a guy is The solution,
many think happiness is relationships,
Romantics and just plain
thinking with the small private bits,
unmentionables, except in modern times,
how to not get pregnant,
contraception, perhaps invented later
and VDDay, Very DoubtFull
one WebPageName similar from years gone by,
you see, not winning, but Losing at Love,
or similar 4LetterWords,
Life? Loser, see can't even count,
4+1=5 and surely the child/ baby
getting pregnant would be the cure,
(Reality the contraception)
it has been since time immemorial, (a Word?)
getting knocked up, and pregnant,
if can even carry without
getting/giving all sorts of DisEases,
one of the characters,
fainting and falling, some Romance,
get him to carry me or feigning interest,
and saviour type things,
a Colonel, main character,
on white horse,
have to have horses,
in some romance novel(s),
while seaside photography, cinematography (Sp?)
mirroring menstral cycle(s),
time going by, and how to fill mood
and transition(s)? full moon and
shooting whatever scenery can be made,
taking artistic license,
and how to finish the unfinished novel(s),
the author died, i guess before finishing,
and other problems of continuity,
i don't know the books, the renditions
provided The Only Thing to go on,
but i think i'd go mad/ inSane with girl(s),
despite volunteering with teen(s),
more back in the day,
how not to get pregnant, seems easy,
now a days: contraception,
but for Catholic(s),
Muslim's and others,
the Good Girl(s),
eating ice cream/ gelato,
chocolate(s) mood enhancers and ibuprofen combined,
reading steamy novel(s),
i've twisted my ankle,
how can you save me,
(aka i've fallen and can't get up),
somehow stereotypically playing the saviour,
HP/ God/ Dog/ ManOnBigWhiteHorse/Pony,
and other phallic symbols,
perhaps the new age way of saying,
what they want, WithOut saying what they want,
i don't understand, or perhaps
( I Do, I Will, etc and similar
commitment words/phrases,
verbal to religious contract(s))
and can't say, fix me, feed me,
feel me, and fool me,
about all the f's i can politely
say, as FootBall isn't all
that is going on this week(Endz$),
you see, if they want a kid
by holiday time next year/ well this year,
(really decade ++ /
a LifeTime Commitment, really)
plus or minus a due date that slips,
$t. ValenTine$z is your man,
that date on the calendar, and
Presto Preggo: conception,
and other mechanics not fit
for younger reader(s),
really just calendar math,
9 months before ThanksGiving,
plus or minus a little bit,
as could go to Term, and be XMas time,
and/or HalloWeen, preme
and other MiniMe NightMare scenarios,
typical of not well planned and
supported kids and adults,
not getting along,
communicating, Dad$, what some old guy,
who doesn't know how to dress,
sweat pants or night clothes,
over shorts: bike and other,
close enough to cover thy skinny scarred legs,
you see old guys aren't what
Miss PonyTail/ PomPom Hat girls
are looking for, dirty old me,
smelly perhaps, even really quite rude,
and not interested in playing
little girl games, gimme, i want,
and boys play it too, on one different
route, a kid being yelled at,
you see i've got sensitive ear(s),
even without bunny ears,
anatomically correct,
yelling to get the kid to the car/
SUV, buses stacking up behind,
and want the eBike, why is that
weird guy stopped? I'd heard something
startling, and saw a Little Free Library
so get a photo to remind to go that way again,
not having the inclination to climb
over the parked car in front of it,
but take a photo reminder, McMansion
by a Church, by a Library
and scene of the crash,
and pretty much the GPS for a problem,
even if i didn't have the setting(s) right,

what would they do?
Back in Queen Victorian Time(s)?
Have a Ball?
Throw the Ball?
Play the Hero?
and/or get DisEases,
fainting and pretend,
Fiction i'm actually fine with,
I may not write good character development,
not plot, nor really who done it story lines,
some delivery takes some practice,
it's all a literal mess,
and forward motion on some things
would be good,
a Scrum for your benefit,
playing one thing and/or the other,
entertainment, slapping butts,
and buying cheap ham(s),
50% off, but some other things to do,
limits on carrying,
try to do the right thing(s),
but really just abuse,
that's perhaps what i grew up with,
one way or another,
the model and return to home base,
some sort of sickness,
pretend, and what people do,
to lure and tempt/ torture and tease,
and other socially? playful things, perhaps,
or just gang bang (Bing-ing) the problem(s),
you see unLucky at Love?
or Lost? IDK,
Lust, and don't really care,
i'm too old for games,
the times have changed,
and not sure what GI Jane would do
at time(s) like this,
get even i guess,
but for what imaginary offense?

Oh, well, just another few day(s),
it'll all blow over, right?
until sick, vomitting with morning sickness,
and a few more months and showing,
and/or Crab(s), syphyllis,
(a small book? herbal remedies
with pressed flowers/ plants/
medicine(s) for Plan Bs?)

Oddly American Pie(s)
and some detective work(s),
perhaps, TV and what fill(s)
the time, perhaps,
The Scream and other problem(s)
horror and what i don't want to see,
and other noises, aka
Chinese water torture,
or just nature sounds,
those i can deal with
at least it's not crying babies
and wannabe mom's...

Old Fart,
wind again...

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