

File history uploaded by jerry 2 years, 2 months ago
> (sounds like Austin, no?)
> (doesn't Work UnderGround...)
< erks me when still in the Pilot time
< of DigitalDivide, so
< like a sick horror movie
> erks (sp? urks?) me
> when still in the Pilot time
> of DigitalDivide,
> so like a sick horror movie
< and likely killing(s) of SlumLords,
> and likely planned killing(s)/
> genocide/ profiteering of SlumLords,
< that likely doesn't care,
> that likely doesn't even care,
< for profit...
> for profit while claiming Non...
< after 2000p on broadcast,
> after 2000p on BroadCast,
< old soap opera(s), As The World Turns,
< and maybe General ('s) Hospital,
> old soap opera(s): As The World Turns,
> and maybe General (KFC's?) Hospital,
< and SandiTon wants to greet here,
< but she's going to BrighTon if she wants the beach,
< a Regatta, rowing along the river,
> and SandiTon wants to greet her,
> but she's going to BrighTon
> if she wants the beach,
> while a Regatta, rowing along the river,
< young girl fantasies, perhaps, makes
< for good sales, and keeping them entertained,
< the mechanics of dating,
< while some early morning, a FriDay,
> young girl fantasies, perhaps,
> makes for good sales,
> and keeping them entertained,
> the mechanics of dating...
> While some early morning, a FriDay,
< a girl with a little hat, her BirthDay,
< and pretending i know her,
> a girl (age?) with a little hat,
> her BirthDay,
> and she's pretending i know her,
< and a gang like guy,
> and a gang like boy/guy,
< to overuse a phrase, the cute little
< white eBike, perhaps, the guy
> to overuse a phrase,
> the cute little white eBike, perhaps,
> the guy what? old badly dressed guy?
> (oddly ASSUMing competition?)
< but sill have to go to school,
> what steal it (his only real option?)
> but still have to go to school,
< when pregnant, and really, not
< what one would want in a young lady,
< not that she's bad, pushing the limits
> when pregnant, and really,
> not what one would want in a young lady,
> not that she's bad,
> she must be "a Good Girl"
> to play so many games,
> right, pushing the limits
< somehow related to me?
> or in the background SomeWhere($)
> while pretenting somehow related to me?
< and/or taking him to where i live,
> on departure, and/or taking him to where i live,
< and a school day, start of the Valentine's Day
< weekend, and what girls/ young women do,
< perhaps, misleading a guy, instaad of the other way around,
< only to find the tires low, and kids who like the girl,
> and a school day,
> start of the Valentine's Day weekend,
> and what girls/ young women do,
> perhaps, misleading a guy,
> instead of the other way around,
> only to find later my tires low,
> and (Resident Evil) kids who like the girl,
< her father would help, she wants stuff from (a) guy(s),
> her father would help,
> she wants stuff from (a) guy(s),
< playing the GreenPenguin,
> playing the (Green)Penguin,
< migrating women, have to move out of one estate
< to another, perhaps, finding a guy is the solution,
> migrating women,
> have to move out of one estate/mansion to another,
> perhaps, finding a guy is The solution,
< Romatnics and just plain
< thinking with the mall private bits,
> Romantics and just plain
> thinking with the small private bits,
< contraception, and VDDay,
< Very DoubtFull
> contraception, perhaps invented later
> and VDDay, Very DoubtFull
< it has been since time imormorial, (Word?)
> (Reality the contraception)
> it has been since time immemorial, (a Word?)
< if can even carry without giving all sorts of
< DisEases, one of hte characters,
> if can even carry without
> getting/giving all sorts of DisEases,
> one of the characters,
< on white horse, have to have horses,
> on white horse,
> have to have horses,
< seaside photography, cinematography (Sp?)
< menstral cycle(s), time going by,
< and how to fill mood and transition(s)?
< full moon and shooting whatever scenery
< can be made, artistic license,
< and how ot finish the unfinished novel(s),
> while seaside photography, cinematography (Sp?)
> mirroring menstral cycle(s),
> time going by, and how to fill mood
> and transition(s)? full moon and
> shooting whatever scenery can be made,
> taking artistic license,
> and how to finish the unfinished novel(s),
< provided only thing to go on,
< but i think i'd go mad/ inSane with
< girl(s), despite volunteering with teen(s),
< back in the day, how not to get pregnant,
< seems easy, contraception, but for Catholic(s),
< Muslim's and others, the Good Girl(s),
< eating ice cream/ gelato, reading steamy novel(s),
< i've twisted my ankle, how can you save me,
< i've fallen and can't get up,
< somehow playing the saviour,
> provided The Only Thing to go on,
> but i think i'd go mad/ inSane with girl(s),
> despite volunteering with teen(s),
> more back in the day,
> how not to get pregnant, seems easy,
> now a days: contraception,
> but for Catholic(s),
> Muslim's and others,
> the Good Girl(s),
> eating ice cream/ gelato,
> chocolate(s) mood enhancers and ibuprofen combined,
> reading steamy novel(s),
> i've twisted my ankle,
> how can you save me,
> (aka i've fallen and can't get up),
> somehow stereotypically playing the saviour,
< what they want, without saying what they
< want, i don't understand, or perhaps i do,
> what they want, WithOut saying what they want,
> i don't understand, or perhaps
> ( I Do, I Will, etc and similar
> commitment words/phrases,
> verbal to religious contract(s))
< say, as footBall isn't all that is going on
< this week(Endz), you see, if want a kid
> say, as FootBall isn't all
> that is going on this week(Endz$),
> you see, if they want a kid
> (really decade ++ /
> a LifeTime Commitment, really)
< St. ValenTinez your man,
< that date on the calendar, and preggo,
< conception, and other mechanics not fit
< for younger reader(s), really just calendar
< math, 9 months before ThanksGiving,
> $t. ValenTine$z is your man,
> that date on the calendar, and
> Presto Preggo: conception,
> and other mechanics not fit
> for younger reader(s),
> really just calendar math,
> 9 months before ThanksGiving,
< as could go to term, and be XMas
< time, and HalloWeen, preme
< and other MiniMe nightMare scenarios,
> as could go to Term, and be XMas time,
> and/or HalloWeen, preme
> and other MiniMe NightMare scenarios,
< communicating, dad, some old guy,
> communicating, Dad$, what some old guy,
< sweat pants or night clothes, over
< shorts, bike and other, close enough
< cover thy skinny scarred legs,
> sweat pants or night clothes,
> over shorts: bike and other,
> close enough to cover thy skinny scarred legs,
< miss PonyTail/ PomPom Hat girls
> Miss PonyTail/ PomPom Hat girls
< smelly perhaps, even really quite
< rude, and not interested in playing
> smelly perhaps, even really quite rude,
> and not interested in playing
< and boys play it too, one different
> and boys play it too, on one different
< i've got sensitive ear(s), even without
< bunny ears, anatomically correct,
> you see i've got sensitive ear(s),
> even without bunny ears,
> anatomically correct,
< SUV, and want the eBike, why is that
< weird guy stopped? heard something
> SUV, buses stacking up behind,
> and want the eBike, why is that
> weird guy stopped? I'd heard something
< get a photo to remind to go that way
< again, not the inclination to climb
> so get a photo to remind to go that way again,
> not having the inclination to climb
< but a photo reminder, McMansion
< by a Church, by a Library and scene
< of the crash, and pretty much the GPS
< for a problem, even if i didn't have
< the setting(s) right,
> but take a photo reminder, McMansion
> by a Church, by a Library
> and scene of the crash,
> and pretty much the GPS for a problem,
> even if i didn't have the setting(s) right,
< and/or get disEases,
> and/or get DisEases,
< Fiction i'm fine with,
< I may not write good character
< plot, delivery takes some practice,
> Fiction i'm actually fine with,
> I may not write good character development,
> not plot, nor really who done it story lines,
> some delivery takes some practice,
< and forward motion on some things would be
< good, a Scrum for your benefit,
< playing one thing or the other,
> and forward motion on some things
> would be good,
> a Scrum for your benefit,
> playing one thing and/or the other,
< limits on carrying, try to do the right thing(s),
< but really just abuse, that's perhaps
< what i grew up with, one way or another,
> limits on carrying,
> try to do the right thing(s),
> but really just abuse,
> that's perhaps what i grew up with,
> one way or another,
> the model and return to home base,
< and other playful things, perhaps,
< or just gang bang ing the problem(s),
> and other socially? playful things, perhaps,
> or just gang bang (Bing-ing) the problem(s),
< or Lost? IDK, and don't really care,
< i'm to old for games, the times have changed,
> or Lost? IDK,
> Lust, and don't really care,
> i'm too old for games,
> the times have changed,
< at time(s) like this, get even i guess,
> at time(s) like this,
> get even i guess,
< until a few months and showing,
< and or Crab(s), Pie(s)
> until sick, vomitting with morning sickness,
> and a few more months and showing,
> and/or Crab(s), syphyllis,
> (a small book? herbal remedies
> with pressed flowers/ plants/
> medicine(s) for Plan Bs?)
> Oddly American Pie(s)
< horror and what i dont' want to see,
> horror and what i don't want to see,
< and other noises, chinese water torture,
< or just nature sounds, i can deal with
< at least it's not crying babies and wannabe
< mom's...
> and other noises, aka
> Chinese water torture,
> or just nature sounds,
> those i can deal with
> at least it's not crying babies
> and wannabe mom's...
< Old Fart, wind again...
> Old Fart,
> wind again...

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