

File history uploaded by jerry 1 year, 8 months ago

So woke before midnight on Monday
TuesDay having written about trying
the whole night out instead of a mini block party,
which is only a few, or one neighborhood,
perhaps after problems, as a reward,
for kids and others, with school looming,
weather warmest of the year to be out late,
and a challenge perhaps to kids to stay up
all night, idk, i'm long since a kid,
but still try to find my happy childhood...

And went out for WiFi to check some things,
taking a small Pixi Glitz dual core smartphone,
not very smart by modern standards
2G total Storage, not sure RAM would
need to look that up, and try configuring it,

and it started RAINING,
so duck under a tent/ canopy near wifi,

oh and forgot toe mention the two drunk
guys, one of which wanted to kill a cop,
and had to get drunk first to do that,
luckily someone was around, and stopped them,
even offered a free punch, really attempt
at punching, and noted he breaks bones,
so maybe the drunk guy just backed down?

i was the target originally,
and i'm guessing the officer,
protective, or whichever force(s)
could handle two drunk guys,
biligerant as they were,
perhaps not a very serious threat...

And got it in my head to try to stay up
but without the necessary things to do that...

First of all nothing to sleep in/ on
and it was raining, someone said
National Night Out
was Cancelled, like kinda wimpy
only fair weather celebration,
sure July 4 if it rains, can't really do
fireworks, or actually safer then,
less to burn if misfired,
but yeah, not happening,
so i'll be ego, bravado, pride
and better than, and just DIY
Do It Yourself (geek style?)
so after configuring some things,
on the mini low value older device,
radio and hear whats going on,
but only a few channels,
until run out of space to save those,
a defect from the start,
and autotuning? setting channels,
not all the way back, has some
RDS? radio data service?
along the frequencies taken for
old TV channels, bandwidth for
the FCC going to HD TV
and broadcasting the station name,
song title, and frequently a lot of ads
too, which FMRipIdear might use
to save station and song information,
if the API support or figure out a way,
screensave, and capture a lot,
say traveling and neat new stations,
indie, or some country song never heard
but actually like, or other genre...
Bits of information or entertainment
some might want, and part of the adventure
of travel, touring, cultural competency,

But space going on it,
try the camera, low resolution by ToDay's
standards, but something,
and eventually tired standing,
wondering and dodging the rain,
even the canopy didn't protect
and wire i need to remember not to hang
myself on, getting in and out,
looking at zippers, velcro (tm elsewhere)
and the tent like features,
barrels filled with something (sand?)
and wires not rope, unlike farmers markets
and parasailing a canopy in winds,
much less bike clinics, recently
tried, but praying/ hoping for wind,
without much luck/success...

Well start walking around
and see a basket of the local pharmacy
chain and dump out the drink /
etoh? 40oz? or something ice tea?
unfortunately where it was under the stiars/
steps, moved a bit, i guess from where it was
before, but going that way,
and don't like things left around...
but not other people's cleaning service,
maids... I barely do it for myself,
some might say, but a method to the madness,
labels and nutritional information...
Some might say UltraGreen/ReCYcling?

But stared at by sometone in the line
sure i was wearing garden hat and bunny ears,
and the guy may have been an old stoner,
or some other problems, like from a
group home and taken to buy things
when benefits came in, or weekly outing?
idk, didn't stay to find out,
check coupons and had dropped the basket
by the door, not neatly, as have to move
and hope someone would clean, wipe up,
and hand sanitizer and going/ gone...

What next? wearing the wrong shoes for walking
much, but want to keep going,
sandals (sp?) with are sandpapery,
and maybe s tarying to show their age,
but have little else, others more
worn, and no socks, this could be bad,
i can always just come back...

So walking along, trying GPSLogger,
and app i had downloaded, even finding
WiFi and connecting to it, was old school,
and unfamiliar, maybe KitKat OS?
or before LolliPop which would be after
alphabetically, helps to say it in order,
CandyCane? GingerBread? and other sweets
series naming convention...

But looking for satellites, and keep going
one ear in for music, giving up on ads,
for live, and playing the recorded FM station
stuff, some way to do that, MxPlayer or similar,
and see if that works, saving file naming convention
and other geeky stuff...
like where to search for files,
and other app setings, forget
as configure once for a device
and don't do that often, unless setting up
another device of for others...

But check out the Pike, and take a photo
or few, low resolution, not that great
light sensitivity but old school and
capture something along the way...
How far up the sculpture/ windmill blade?

And notes to self, write in TEd,
text editor about or more old than
the device, low demands, and
fell off gPlay or so,
but open source, and what i'm used to...

Find some grocery store carts,
none with coins, but going that way i guess,
store will be closed, as after midnight
by now, and take two, one plastic
one metal, not sure they want metal back,
and someone saying / harassing
while not working/ helping
fairly typical for the area,
keeping a junk yard, graveyard of carts
for their amusement, but collects and gets
in the way of people getting by, a hazard
for some, perhaps like the homeless/
kids pretending on the way back from court,
or myself down on the sidewalk
overheating and took a break, no benches
to sit, narrow and hills,
don't want people stopping like an interstate
nearby, and traffic jams all the time,
perhaps, not a cozy parkway with rest stop(s),
maybe a memorial bench for when someone dies
not going as others want, death in traffic,
and other problem...

But seemed to wake someone on the bench
at the grocery store, employee or homeless,
idk, had to step up on the bottom bar
of the double cart arrangement,
they had come apart, not fitting well together,
and no inner tube to try keeping them
and save my hands if they separate,
or try not pinching...

But water, and a small stream, try keeping
feet dry, and not done before, but worked,
dump the carts where they usually are...

Think it may have been the panhandling guy
telling me not coin carts,
as had previously rigged one to self defeat
the chain coin linkage...

So kept going, fairly cool out,
had checked the little free library
book mailbox like thing, a new sign
limiting how many to take
1 for adults, 2 for kids,
rushed by bicycling/ inline mobility aid,
but walking take a break and look at,
read sign and photograph, but light
and not readable?

Anyways, tired, and keep going, to Aldi,
and heard something in te parking lot,
a few cars there, and seemed someone
following me?  More cars in the parking
lot than usual, not that i'm there those
hours, but something going on?
I stop quickly a squeak?
my shoes? a jogger?

But find a couple chains broken,
cut on the Aldi cart line(s),
and one with a loose and get a coin,
did the walk and got something,
perhaps their marketing to reward
frequent visitors, employees hanging
out at the store parking lot, see
what goes on overnight?

And down the hill see if any other carts,
walking is cross training of sorts,
if biking a lot, as uses muscles,
different or differently as marketing Aldi
shopping tactics?

But find a car, Harbor Freight Tools,
behind the V shaped sign by the bus stop,
other places some might have hidden,
but not go back up the hill,
just move out a little easier to see,
and going back, walked a lot,
and feet chafing (sp?)
starting to wear holes in my skin
from abrasion (sp?) and would be a problem
in rain, and other stuff...

But going back, defeated,
no wallet with me, i realize
so no ID and problems if stopped?
For what?

And start walking gingerly as feet hurting,
almost look drunk?
landing on different parts of my feet,
and must have been a sight,
like someone dancing around on hot sand
at a beach, or asphalt,
but get more hand sanitizer
kind of a check back in on security footage,
and back out, short cut a little
through parking lot,
and try sending, uploading stuff
but the device wants gMail updated
can't attach files, and gPlay modules/
parts needed to, gMail most current
version of the app, but there's
InBox that redesign separate app,
later melded/ fused in together,
and back in...

Sandals off, and something happening
around, someone coming and told to stay
in, which is unusual, no reason to give
me orders like that,
but later see, the next day,
when connected, a guy with a rifle
in SkyLine or Seven Corners,
and maybe part of what i was hearing?
even with a silencer? whizzed by me?
was i targetted like the sniper?
and missed, or just feet and sneaking
around messing trying to catch a bunny,
or rob of a smartphone or two?

Tracking myself with GPSLogger
not successful as lost satellites
in pocket, and the WiFi methods
may have failed too, idk,
gFit may have miles, steps,
and other stuff, but will see,
or not...

Gave up and kids enjoying saying they won,
i went down around 2am and someone(s) claiming
prizes in a design competition i may have
created, or honorable mention, built
and design, the sound proofing and dog
house type stuff, perhaps the other
culmination of things,
for those that care, and
likely Others Who Could Care Less too...
Sensitivity training?
Boot camp?
Required for LawEnforcement, Neighborhood Watch
and others like lawyers to know what
offenses and discrimination people
without a place may suffer, where's a bathroom?
most places closed, or have to buy something,
only for staff, buses and others won't take
the risk of you boarding, you smell,
are dirty, discriminated against, etc.

Like the kids, I dirty up pretty well,
like camo and war paint? in childhood games/
acting, undercover work,
even sniper school i guess, etc...

And miss another sunrise
as i write up this drivel...

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