





Membership emails sent around with names, affiliations and most phone numbers. Not sure if it is appropriate to publish.


Web-ready version of membership list, CSV data, PDF for printing, and email hyperlinks sent by email to all RRWG members with emails listed, dated 2006-12-11, sent 2006-12-15. Clearly, publication of the list will require some kind of consensus, most likely a unanimous absence of objection, given reasonable notification.


The web ready version does include telephone numbers as screen tips, along with screen tips identifying e.g. NVMHI and the other affiliated organizations and our subgroup functions and memberships. (M for Member, L for Lead Contact). Officers are listed, too, with "Chr." links to mail the Chairs for the agenda.




Emails and privacy issues


Membership lists are usually private. If one signs up for a traditional organization, one can opt out of being listed in a published directory.


Other membership issues exist including HIPPA, etc.


Jerry suggests implementing email addresses in the fully hosted Interactive Website with emails on that traditional server similar to info @ or Webmaster @ This creates some abstraction and privacy for individuals (especially consumers!), and can likely be set to be forwarded on to others traditional email accounts.


Group email accounts could also be created, i.e. Chairs at, VPs at, Fiscal at, Secretaries at NoVAPeers, Artists at etc...


Privacy may be especially important as funding begins where people would try to back door RecoveryApplication like funding with lllegal influence...



Page History


20070129 Jerry


2007-01-26 Doug

Removed mention of a resignation.


2006-12-15 Doug

Mentioned web-ready list and resignation.


20060914 Jerry

  1. Added structure to something that needs to be cleaned up...



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