Wiki Issues

Wiki Issues



Wiki as Planning Tool Issues

There is a problem with using the wiki as a planning tool which means people need to be trained (and/or spend time experimenting) on how to use it.

  1. Originally, the FrontPage contained a mixture of how to use the wiki and the evolving project information, starting with Events and announcements, Glossary, Individual Pages, Proposal, Memorial pages, Representation, and building to 100+ more pages from there.
  2. Many wiki pages are definitions of terms which it may be possible in the future to include in an interwiki type arrangement, AND/OR COMBINE INTO THE GLOSSARY PAGE(S).
  3. Currently, PBWiki does not seem to support many features that would be helpful(, like easier self registering? using the invite like feature).
  4. It is however a starting point, and Wiki means quick in Hawaiian, which this started out being.
  5. A wiki can also be addicting, and has taken over 120 hours to get to this point, researching different wiki possible options, writing pages, thinking about web design and paradigm issues, learning features, preparing wiki training, and kvetching about how the group responds or doesn't respond to this pbwiki as separate from how the group responds to Jerry...


December Addendum

  1. Several people (3 RRWG people) have started to try using the wiki, which is wonderful.
  2. Doug has done some support and an email with getting started information. Yippie!
  3. Need to start bringing an internet connected machine into the RRWG meeting room again and show it/train people individually before and after RRWG meetings, plus likely do an advanced and/or retraining with more than 5 minutes left over at the end of another stressful RRWG meeting.


Page History

20061222 Jerry

  1. Moved from Interactive Website Page History, a long comment that is one of the bottom lines on this project
  2. Editing this by breaking apart the long paragraph into numbered items and updating with COMMENTS and December Addendum